Rochelle Green

Voice actor

About Rochelle

I'm a Hispanic-American bilingual voice actor with an Associate of Arts in Music Production. My journey began with a strong background in audio, leading me to discover my passion for voice acting while exploring the animation industry. Over the past eight years, I've dedicated myself to refining my skills as a voice-over artist. My unique, rich, and low cadence enables me to express a broad spectrum of emotions. Working from my broadcast-ready home studio in Dallas, Texas, I've contributed to diverse projects, including character-driven anime, indie video games, commercial narrations, and podcasts.

I've had the privilege of lending my voice to various clients, such as Funimation Entertainment, Crunchyroll Studios, Alliance InfoSystems, and Behavioral Innovations. My commitment to professionalism and meticulous attention to detail have been integral to my success, and I continually strive to enhance my abilities with each new project. My background in music production, coupled with my unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality performances, positions me as an ideal choice for any voice acting endeavor.

When I'm not behind the microphone, you can find me indulging in watercolor painting, immersing myself in pop culture, and enjoying reading time with my son.

Let's make some soundwaves!


Commercial Demo:

Character Demo:

Visual Demo: